
Imago Video

Renders an video player in a responsive container.

Imago encodes webm and mpg4 versions of your uploaded video file in the following sizes: 480p, 720p, 1080p

Attribute Default Values Description
autobuffer null true, false
autoplay false true, false auto play video when rendered
controls true true, false show controlbar
controlsAutohide true true, false hide controlaber after a certain time
controlsAutohideTime 2000 time in ms time when to hide controlbar
preload false true, false preload video
size hd sd, hd video size
align top left, bottom right, ... true, false Position of the video inside the container
sizemode fit fit, crop fit or crop image into the container
loop false true, false loop the video
autoplayInview false true, false auto play video when in view
responsive true true, false Watch for resize and resize stop
theme url to videogular css